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Bagaimanakah Rasanya Untuk Tidak Memiliki Air Bersih?

Inaccessibility to clean water could introduce a plethora of issues to the affected community — health problems, improper sanitation, poor hygiene levels and even loss of income. This is why the United Nations acknowledges universal access to clean water as a fundamental human right and a crucial step towards enhancing living standards.

Realiti Kehidupan Golongan Pelarian Di Malaysia

Menurut United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR), setakat Januari 2021, terdapat 178,710 golongan pelarian berdaftar, tidak termasuk 80,000 pelarian tidak berdokumen yang masih menunggu

Adakah Anda Tahu Dimana Orang Tidak Bernegara Tinggal?

Stateless communities are living around us. They are our neighbours and if we look hard enough, we would see them. Though having lived in Malaysia for many generations, the stateless (undocumented) are not recognised and therefore do not have citizenship or identification that gives them rights as a citizen.

Melakukan Lebih Dari Pemberian Bantuan

“Kita tidak boleh membasmi kemiskinan dengan memberi wang kepada orang miskin. Ini tidak akan menjadikan mereka kaya. Sebaliknya, selama mereka menerima bantuan, mereka akan tetap

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BURSA TOP 20: Who’s The most charitable?