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Category: End Poverty

The Myth Of Being Too Poor To Afford Drugs

Did you know that a total of 300,00 adults in Malaysia have used drugs at least once in their lifetime? That’s not all, 100,000 Malaysian adults have been recorded as currently using drugs.

urban poor in Kuala Lumpur

Habitats Of The Urban Poor In Malaysia: Part II (The Real Living Conditions)

The first thing that comes to mind, is that most urban poor live in unsanitary places. While this is not untrue, it is important to note that this includes those living on the streets, in the slums, and public housing projects hosted by the government and private organisations. These conditions are not specific to just the homeless, but for any household living in poverty (B40 group).

PPR in Kuala Lumpur

Habitats Of The Urban Poor In Malaysia: Part I (The Real Living Conditions)

As cities grow and improve, job opportunities increase, enticing people to flock to the city as they chase for a brighter future. But as urbanisation becomes more rampant, its problems also plague society. Those living in urban poverty are left at a financial standstill with no feasible escape.

heart issues and poverty in malaysia

Poverty Can Take A Toll On The Heart

In 2019, over 18 million Malaysians were reported to be living with a heart attack waiting to happen. Ischaemic heart diseases (heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries) remained as the leading cause of death in Malaysia and it makes up 15% of the 109,164 medically certified deaths in 2019,

The Impact Of Poverty On Women’s Health

Poverty and healthcare go hand in hand. Poverty increases the risk of diseases and puts poor households at a disadvantage of climbing the economic ladder. While it is clear that both men and women suffer in poverty, women tend to be on the losing end.


How Is Poverty Measured?

Is poverty measured solely based on an individual’s wealth? Yes and no. Whilst wealth is one barometer, other factors such as standard of living, basic

7 Facts About The Pandemic And Its Impact On Poverty In Malaysia

Many months into the pandemic and many families are feeling the brunt of it. Joblessness and sudden loss of income have left many struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic. While those who still have jobs may complain about being stuck at home and getting on with the new norm of working from home, the poor have dire issues to worry about – whether they will survive this year or not.

Double Whammy – The Connection Between Mental Health And Poverty

People who live in poverty are at increased risk of mental illness compared to their economically stable peers. The never-ending stress that comes from poverty, can lead to poor mental health. However, the converse is also true. Mentally ill people are also at higher risk of becoming poor because they suffer social stigma, have higher health costs, show signs of lower productivity at work and may suffer from job loss.

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