The Worrying Mental State Of Urban B40s
Unemployment rates, business losses, school dropouts are all quantifiable impacts of the pandemic. However, there are unquantifiable impacts the nation is facing and these impacts
Unemployment rates, business losses, school dropouts are all quantifiable impacts of the pandemic. However, there are unquantifiable impacts the nation is facing and these impacts
With the economy being at its most vulnerable, job security is on almost every Malaysian’s mind. Those working in industries that have been badly impacted
Children are supposed to be happy and carefree! It’s difficult to talk about children who may be suffering from mental health problems. But, it’s also
It’s officially been one year since the pandemic broke out and Malaysians experienced the first Movement Control Order (MCO). Most of us have been affected
Ministry of Marketing Asia has invited Wiki Impact to be part of their weekly talks as resource partner in advocating Womentum. Wiki Impact will be
Written by: Rachel Tan If you think raising a child isn’t overwhelming enough, try doing without your spouse’s help and support, keeping up with household
“Are you in your right mind?” This question is becoming more literal as conversations on mental health become more prominent in recent years. Mental health
Domestic violence is a global issue that stretches far beyond classification by socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions. Usually, no one group specifically resonates with this behaviour, yet cases are often linked to those inhabiting urban poor domains. There are many myths circulating about the relationship between domestic violence and urban poverty. Here we challenge some of the most widely believed and deep rooted misconceptions.
Hampir 2 daripada 5 pekerja (39.1%) pernah mengalami pembulian di tempat kerja. Didapati bahawa pekerja dari kumpulan berpendapatan rendah yang berpendapatan kurang dari RM3,999 sebulan adalah yang paling mungkin dibuli dan menghadapi kerosakan psikologi.
Mental health has been a growing topic in recent years, but little is known of the extent of workplace bullying in Malaysia. Individuals that are bullied at work are at a greater risk of having poor mental health as a result of the psychological distress.
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