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Thanaselan Rajendran

Even before founding his agro-technology enterprise, MyFarm Lab, Thanaselan Rajendran was a changemaker at heart. Growing up in Sungai Buloh in a family of estate workers, he developed a deep-rooted desire to change the fate of his community. This passion became the catalyst for his social impact journey, and the struggles faced by his peers led him to grassroots activism during his secondary and tertiary education.

Today, his background in political research and social policy has positioned him in advisory roles to high-ranking government officials including the Prime Minister of Malaysia, allowing him to contribute to socio-economic development policies and the establishment of strategic policy delivery units within the Prime Minister’s Department.  As a Director at Endeavour, his technology and data-driven research inform governmental and non-governmental bodies on policy interventions, sustainability and strategic communications.

Beyond his professional commitments, his work at Pepper Labs and MyFarm Lab provides jobs and training to underprivileged communities that seek to make a difference in the corporate and entrepreneurial, and agricultural fields respectively.

Making an impact, to me, simply means putting to good use my values, beliefs and skills to serve others. It has always been about creating meaningful change that goes beyond immediate results and credits. It’s about inspiring others through action and fostering a ripple effect that encourages more people to contribute to their communities.

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