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Aizat Rahim

Aizat Rahim is the mastermind behing Borong (formerly known as Dropee), the largest B2B marketplace, e-procurement and e-commerce company in Malaysia & Southeast Asia. 

As Managing Director & Co-Founder, Aizat assists retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers in managing their supply chain digitally. By connecting small and medium enterprises (SME) to qualified wholesalers, manufacturers and principals, Borong streamlines the sourcing to selling process of affordable quality products. Among its global investors are Y-Combinator (US), Ondine Capital (TW), Vynn Capital (MY), Colopl Next (JP), Brama One Ventures (ID), Prasetia Dwidharma (ID) and Resolution Ventures (SG).

Although it is headquartered in Malaysia, Borong also operates in Indonesia and Thailand, and have altogether transacted more than USD4 Billion, clocked a revenue of USD 52 Million in 2023, and serviced over 190,000 retailers partners with leading financial institutions to provide SME financing in their platform.

Given his passion for entrepreneurship, Aizat also sows into other companies as an investor. Before Borong, he was one of the founding partners for Infinite Ventures, a venture building company that was acquired by Kern (US) Technology as well as Job4Locum, a medical job portal company that was acquired by MIMS. Now a current council member of Malaysia Higher Education Council, Aizat’s dreams for a tech ecosystem continue to keep him on his feet.

To me, making an impact means empowering those who are often overlooked, particularly micro SMEs and the B40 community. Through Borong, we aim to bridge the income gap by providing access to digital tools and marketplaces, enabling sustainable growth for underserved businesses and creating meaningful change at the grassroots level.

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