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How IHH Healthcare Berhad Gives Back To Society?

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IHH Healthcare Berhad

Sustainability is a core principle at IHH Healthcare Berhad, where their aim is to enhance the healthcare industry in various ways. As a collective group, IHH’s shared goal is to “Care. For Good.”. The Group is motivated by our mission to impact lives positively and revolutionize healthcare.

With a presence in 10 countries and a network of 83 hospitals, IHH stands as one of the world’s largest healthcare networks and the leading hospital operator in Asia in terms of market value. The Group’s sustainability strategy revolves around four pillars: Empowering Our Patients, Fostering a Great Workplace, Environmental Stewardship, and Promoting a Healthier Society.

Fiscal Year-End: 31 December 2023

The net profit of IHH Healthcare Berhad increased in FY2023 to RM2.95 billion from RM1.54 billion during the previous financial year.

The year on year net profit growth at IHH Healthcare Berhad is at 90.58%.

In FY2023, the Group declared a dividend payout ratio of RM1.63 billion or 8.6 sen per share, including a special dividend of 9.6 sen per share paid in end June 2023 from the divestment of IMU.

The Group did not specify the total amount of contribution made towards Zakat during FY2023.

Total cash contributions made by IHH Healthcare Berhad during FY2023 is RM35.64 million, as part of their community investment. This amounts to 1.21% of their net profit for the financial year.

Total in-kind contributions are not defined due to incomplete data. However, contributions are still accounted for under the RM35.64 million contribution made through community investment.

The total employee volunteer hours reported by IHH Healthcare Berhad is not specified in their annual and sustainability report.

IHH Healthcare Berhad:
Cash, In-Kind and Employee Volunteer Hours

No.ContributionBased on Previous YrCash GivingIn-kind GivingEmployee Volunteer HoursBeneficiaries
1Partnership With Para-Athletics Singapore (PAS)SGD0.20MN/AN/APara-athletesIn recognition that para-athletes may not always receive the same kind of attention as other athletes, IHH Singapore decided to channel some of its resources towards supporting its local heroes reach their full sporting potential. This was done as part of IHH’s flagship Corporate Responsibility programme, Life Renewed, which saw IHH Singapore making a two-year commitment to support para-athletes in Singapore. As part of the partnership, beneficiaries benefit from free access to healthcare services such as nutrition consultancy, physiotherapy, medical assessment, investigations, and treatments, worth about S$200,000 annually. These sponsored services, which cover 60 physiotherapy sessions, 24 occupational therapy sessions, 12 podiatry sessions, diagnostic imaging and blood tests each year, will allow PAS athletes to significantly enhance their fitness, recovery, and competition readiness.
2World AMR Awareness Week 2023N/AAwareness campaignN/APublicEvery year, in November, World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) is observed across the globe. The campaign seeks to promote awareness and understanding of AMR and encourage best practices among the public, healthcare workers, and policymakers who all play a critical role in reducing the further emergence. In conjunction with this year’s WAAW, IHH Healthcare launched its new sustainability webpage which includes a dedicated section on AMR to educate their internal and external stakeholders on antimicrobial stewardship. It explains what AMR is, what the organisation is doing to tackle AMR as well as how everyone can be part of the solution. As part of their ongoing AMR education efforts, various posts about the seriousness of AMR, and what individuals can do to make a difference in building a healthier future for generations to come were also shared on online social media platform.
3Life RenewedRM5.00MN/AN/A481 patientsSince the inception of the Life Renewed programme, over 2,600 underserved Malaysians have received free medical treatment from IHH's network of 16 hospitals including Gleneagles Hospitals, Pantai Hospitals and Prince Court Medical Centre. Amongst others, patients receive free medical treatment and surgery sponsorships for hole in heart treatments, cataract, and total knee replacement while 500 cancer patients undergoing treatments at government hospitals are fully sponsored for radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments. Top treatments provided:– Cardiology (Ventricular septal defect)– Total knee replacement– Anterior cruciate ligament– Cataract
4Aiding Victims of the Türkiye and Syria EarthquakesUSD5.00MN/AN/A300,000 earthquake victimsSince the devastating earthquakes which hit Türkiye and Syria in February 2023, their Acıbadem staff have tirelessly aided the wounded and displaced. To date, IHH have served more than 300,000 earthquake victims, and the wider IHH Group has collectively contributed close to US$5 million to aid in disaster relief. Beyond medical support, their Acıbadem team as well as colleagues from Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong also provided humanitarian aid in the form of hot meals, warm clothes, and cash. Acıbadem Healthcare Group subsequently constructed a housing quarter for displaced victims of the quake. Aptly named Solidarity Quarter, the 40,000-square-metre housing project consists of 260 self-contained houses which were shipped from Istanbul to Malatya. Solidarity Quarter comes complete with healthcare services, laundry, a dining hall, gardening plots, and social areas, as well as a playground, classroom and library for the children.
5Raising Virtual Awareness of Cancer and Heart HealthN/AAwareness campaignN/APublicAs part of IHH's commitment to build a healthier society, they regularly promote awareness of cardiovascular diseases and cancer by leveraging calendar moments like World Heart Day and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Their leading brands roll out a range of social media campaigns that focus on educating the public about the importance of lifestyle choices, regular check-ups, and early detection. Engaging content, including expert advice and success stories, aim to empower individuals to take charge of their physical well-being. By capitalising on the momentum of key calendar moments and embracing social media to generate mass awareness, IHH is contributing towards a healthier, more informed society. After all, awareness is the first step towards a healthier and more resilient community.
6“Ready for You” campaignN/AAwareness campaignN/A1,000 peopleIHH Malaysia embarked on the “Ready for You” campaign to equip everyday people with lifesaving skills. Through the campaign, 1,000 people were trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of the automated external defibrillator (AED). A free first aid eBook, containing vital tips for handling basic medical emergencies, was also launched
7 “Hats On for Children’s Palliative Care Day”N/AFestive givingsN/AChildrenGleneagles Hospital Hong Kong collaborated with Children’s Palliative Care Foundation (CPCF) under the Children’s Cancer Foundation by supporting the “Hats On for Children’s Palliative Care Day”. They then brought festive cheer to children suffering from life-threatening diseases by taking on the role of Secret Santa and extended blessings to the children and their families with handwritten messages and gifts.
8BruneiBND0.25MN/AN/ABeneficiariesGleneagles JPMC partnered with the Brunei Health Ministry to reduce disease burden by promoting programmes that encourage healthy lifestyles at the workplace and in schools. A donation of B$250,000 was made by Gleneagles JPMC to fund and enhance these programmes.
9Most people sanitising their hands simultaneouslyN/AAwareness campaignN/A89,860 peopleGleneagles Hospital Bengaluru, India set a new Guinness World Record for “Most people sanitising their hands simultaneously”, where this record was set with 9,860 participants. This remarkable event, part of their “Clean Hands Save Lives” initiative, was held in Bengaluru, India. With the participation of 55 schools, over 80,000 students were educated on six vital hand hygiene practices.
10Acıbadem City Clinic University Hospital Tokuda N/AFree skin cancer screeningsN/ABeneficiariesAcıbadem City Clinic University Hospital Tokuda conducted free skin cancer screenings in May as part of the Euromelanoma 2023 campaign. The public awareness campaign aims to promote understanding of skin cancer, its prevention, early detection, and treatment. This activity culminates in public screenings during an annual “Euromelanoma Screening Day”.
11Mangrove Planting Initiative N/A2,827 mangrove saplingsN/AEnvironmentMangrove Planting Initiative IHH Malaysia has joined the country’s national effort to plant 1 million mangrove trees by 2030, a project led by Malaysia’s Environmental and Forestry Government Departments. In 2023, IHH Malaysia contributed to this goal by planting 2,827 mangrove saplings across various locations. In 2024, they plan to involve more hospitals in this initiative, continuing the effort to aid in the growth of mangrove ecosystems.
12Beach cleanupsN/A264kg of coastal wasteN/AEnvironmentIn Malaysia, the cleanup at Pantai Acheh, Selangor, led by the Group Procurement team and partnering organisations, resulted in 264kg of coastal waste collected, which was then recycled. Similarly, Pantai Hospital Penang has been holding monthly beach cleaning activities since November 2022. In Singapore, IHH colleagues have participated in several beach cleanups throughout 2023, contributing to the efforts to reduce marine pollution.
13Upcycling for a Greener Future N/A75kg recycled linen sheetsN/A15 artisansAt Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu, an upcycling project converted 75kg of discarded linen sheets into tote bags. This initiative not only helped divert waste from landfills but also provided employment opportunities to 15 skilled artisans, supporting their livelihoods. Additionally, for every tote bag sold, a tree was pledged to be planted, further extending the environmental benefits of this project.
14Repurposing Furniture for Stronger Communities N/A557 furnitureN/A15 beneficiariesMount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore embraced sustainability when one of their wards was undergoing renovations. Rather than disposing of old furniture, they chose to give these items a new lease on life. A total of 557 furniture pieces, including patient beds, geriatric chairs, tables, flasks, trolleys, and paintings, were upcycled and donated. The impact of this effort extended to 15 different local beneficiaries across Singapore, reducing waste and providing support to various communities

CIMB Group Holdings Berhad disbursed RM32.9 million across various entities in the region, funding over 100 projects, with more than 50% allocated towards educational initiatives. This amount represents 0.47% of their cash-to-profit giving, which is less than the community investment made in the prior year of RM34.4 million, equivalent to 0.63%. Apart from allocating 53.2% of their giving to Education through programs like MicroBizReady, Be$mart, and iTEKAD, 14.9% of their contributions also went towards Health and another 12.8% towards Relief Aid. Most of CIMB’s givings are targeted towards Youth beneficiaries at 36.2% followed by the Community making up 29.8% and Disaster Victims at 10.8%. For instance, CIMB Niaga’s hybrid educational financial literacy programmes reached 8,395 students from 37 cities. Moreover, CIMB Group reported an increase in employee volunteer hours to 203,245 hours from 149,914 hours in the previous financial year.

Shows an increase monetarily or the number of beneficiaries from 2022 report.
Shows a decrease monetarily or the number of beneficiaries from 2022 report

1. The numerical value for total cash and in-kind giving was calculated based on individual monetary mentions in the Annual and Sustainability report.

2. The information above is derived from IHH Healthcare Berhad’s 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. Email correspondence was made between 12 June – 30 July 2024 to seek further clarification, however, no reply was received. 


This independent report is produced without sponsorship from any organisation. The objective of the Bursa Top 20 is to promote philanthropy and encourage charitable giving among for-profit organisations. 

Highlights From IHH Healthcare Berhad's Giving

Focus Areas of IHH Healthcare Berhad

Beneficiaries of IHH Healthcare Berhad

IHH Healthcare Berhad contributed RM35.64 million as part of its community investment during FY2023. This amount represents 1.21% of their cash-to-profit giving, which is significantly higher than the contributions made in the prior year, totalling RM 2.69 million. The Group focused on contributions in the areas of Education, Environment and Health, with most of their initiatives being health awareness campaigns including the World AMR Awareness Week, Raising Virtual Awareness of Cancer and Heart Health and the “Ready for You” campaign. Most of IHH’s givings are directed towards the Community at 28.6% then the Environment followed by the Public. For instance, their “Clean Hands Save Lives” initiative garnered the participation of over 80,000 students. However, IHH Healthcare did not disclose the total employee volunteer hours in FY2023.

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