Puff and Pollution: The Environmental Effects of Vaping August 21, 2024 Imagine indulging in a strawberry cheesecake, savouring a handful of grapes, or relishing the refreshing burst of mint. These are just a few of the
Pollution Trail: Hazardous, Plastic, and Rare Earth Wastes That Affected These Three Communities April 17, 2024 Pollution affects us all on multiple levels, including our environment, health, and livelihoods. The disastrous incidents of pollution in Pasir Gudang, Jenjarom, and Bukit Merah
From Landfill to Ocean to Plate: Microplastics Everywhere! January 3, 2024 Recently, Malaysia earned an ignoble position as one of the top 10 countries in throwing away plastic trash. In a survey conducted by UK-based energy
Unearthing Malaysia’s RM1 Trillion Rare Earth Industry: Economic Promise and Environmental Challenges December 13, 2023 Malaysia is sitting on a gold mine – but not one with literal gold. The country holds significant potential for a lucrative rare earth element
Greenpeace Admits Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Actually Work. Is It True And The Same For Malaysia? December 9, 2022 Many of us see recycling as the easiest means of combating plastic waste and ensuring that it does not end up in the environment. However,