Adakah Poligami Masih Diamalkan dan Sah di Malaysia?
Untuk sesetengah wanita, impian hidup bahagia selamanya bermakna mencari pasangan hidup dan membina masa depan bersama. Tetapi bagi sebahagian wanita lain, impian itu mempunyai makna
Untuk sesetengah wanita, impian hidup bahagia selamanya bermakna mencari pasangan hidup dan membina masa depan bersama. Tetapi bagi sebahagian wanita lain, impian itu mempunyai makna
For some women, the dream of a happily-ever-after means finding a life partner and building a future together. But for others, the story unfolds very
Mewujudkan masyarakat yang adil dan saksama bukanlah tanggungjawab pihak kerajaan semata-mata. Kita semua mempunyai peranan untuk mengurangkan jurang dalam masyarakat, sama ada secara langsung atau
As more and more Malaysians become more well-travelled, it is increasingly important to have a firm footing in our cultural roots. A man who does
There is no shortage of keyboard warriors on the internet. Abusive, snarky and derogatory online comments are abundant and they are usually centred on issues
The creation of a more socially just society doesn’t just rest on the shoulders of a country’s administration. Each one of us has a part
When you think about Malaysia, racism is less associated with the country that highlights multiracial and multiculturalism. In Malaysia, racism isn’t manifested in violence and
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob had once called for the elimination of the middleman in the agriculture sector and food supply chain back when he
Persons With Disabilities (PwDs) in Malaysia have been gruelling with issues of accessibility in their daily lives. From the lack of availability of safe spaces
Malaysian Indians make up an estimated 32.7 million (6.6%) people of the nation’s total population in 2022. That’s the third largest ethnic group, only surpassed
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