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Yayasan Sukarelawan Siswa (YSS) was launched in 2012 as an entity owned by the Government of Malaysia. YSS is committed to growing a culture of volunteering among Malaysia’s 1.3 million students of higher learning institutions and in the ASEAN region.
YSS positions youth volunteering as a key tool in developing student volunteer leaders, aligned with the Malaysia Education Blueprint (Higher Education) 2013 – 2025 that emphasizes a balance between knowledge and skills as well as ethics and morality.
Since its inception in 2012, YSS has executed 52 high impact volunteer missions as its core programme mainly in Sabah and Sarawak of Malaysia and in several Southeast Asian countries; Indonesia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. Together with its many strategic partners, YSS also carries out community engagement projects targeting beneficiaries from the lowest household income groups in Malaysia (B40) and disadvantaged communities at large.
1631 Student Volunteers were trained since 2012 through an enabling environment that is inclusive and immersive as volunteers “eat, live and breathe with the community” through their experiential learning during the mission. As Alumni, they have lifetime access to continuous opportunities to grow as all-rounded individuals and eventually lead their communities.
kementerian perpaduan negara Putrajaya, Malaysia
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