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VOLUME, short for Volunteer in me, is an organization that wishes to promote the volunteerism culture, in the hopes of creating a better Malaysia.

We started as two medical students seeking to create positive changes in Malaysia. We both loved volunteering and believed that a positive volunteerism culture can really benefit the country.

It came to our attention that volunteering can be rather troublesome, mainly due to the lack of information on the internet and also the difficulties in contacting voluntary organizations. We found ourselves struggling to find accurate, up-to-date information, and felt disheartened over this situation.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty". -Winston Churchill
We wanted to be the solution for this problem. This resulted in us coming up with the idea of VOLUME - a platform that enables people to volunteer in Malaysia effortlessly while fostering the volunteerism culture in our homeland.

Since then, we have received an abundance of support, and we will continue to push towards this dream of ours.

Fellow Malaysians, we are all authors of this story. Do join us in making Malaysia a greater place; to equality, and beyond.

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